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Pre-Health Sciences Pathway Advanced - 2022

What brought you to Mohawk College?

It's a long story, but essentially I have had many years in my life being one of the caregivers for a family member in my household. Through this experience, it has brought to light a very important characteristic of mine, compassion. Through this discovery, I knew I would be best suited for a job in healthcare. However, I wasn't sure what job would be the best fit for me. That's what brought me to Mohawk College. I knew I needed to take a preparation course, such as Pre-Health Sciences, to ensure I had the base knowledge of health care education prior to heading in any direction.

Tell us about your favourite Mohawk experience?

My favourite Mohawk experience was probably the engagement in my Pre-Health Mathematics courses. Although this was back when everything was still online, my professors ensured that we were engaged and made the effort to get to know us. I'll mention more of what I'm doing now later, but I had the opportunity to have a professor from Pre-Health for my Statistics course in my current program, which was great. Having that type of engagement/genuine care for our learning move from online to in class, truly made Mohawk so special.

What impact has Mohawk had on your life?

Mohawk has had a great impact on my life. Before coming to Mohawk, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I mentioned before that I had come to a realization that led me to taking a program at Mohawk, but it wasn't as easy as that sounds. I had to decide to make the switch from working full-time and stepping down from a job I was comfortable at for 13 years. When perusing my education pathway, Mohawk helped ensure I had everything I needed to know moving forward. There were things such as financial assistance and the First Year Experience Program. This helped me mentally with the stress of becoming a student (after not being in school for so long) and learning how to study/make notes. I think that taking a program at Mohawk has impacted my life for the better by reassuring me that I have created a better life for the future.

What are you up to now?

Currently, I'm a 2nd year Cardiovascular Technology student at Mohawk College. I didn't come to that decision easily. As I said above, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I took a special interest in the heart, after my mother had a quadruple bypass surgery. I was extremely interested in the inner workings and I have found a program that scratches that itch! I have become very passionate about my learning and I cannot wait to complete my studies in 2024. My goal is to work in Electrophysiology/Cardiac Devices once passing the CSCT exam.

Banner imag for: Sarah Thomson